Worship Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with Holy Communion. Online through Facebook Live, too.

Story Stretch each Sunday! Kids learn during the sermon and return to worship for Holy Communion each week. 

Fowlerville, Michigan

Prayer Requests & Program Registration below:

St. John's Lutheran Church ELCA
Jesus says, "I Am the vine; you are the branches....
.... Apart from me you can do nothing."
Ministry for Living
Outreach Ministry

Worship with Holy Communion
each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.


Confirmation Ministry begins this fall!
For students grades 6 and up. Contact us for more information.​

Women's Bible study, "Circle of Friends" meets twice a month. Call us to inquire. 

132 S. Benjamin Street,
PO Box 218
Fowlerville MI 48836 USA


God's Work, Our Hands Sunday
September 8 

Collecting now through September 1 for School Kits and Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief.

Youth Ministry Calendar
Contact us for the current schedule of activity.

New Creation Program Dinners
Service opportunities to serve our neighbors.

Personal Needs Pantry and Food Pantry
Call us to find out donation needs for our area.

R.E.A.D. Team Literacy Outreach
Help us grow strong readers by grade three.

Art Gala
August 16, 2024

5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 

Enjoy the work of local artists, light refreshments and more.

ALSO! Enter in the "Call to Entry" Class

* Ages 2 through adult
* Theme: God's Good Creation

* Requirements: 8 x 10", vertical or horizontal; drawing, painting, photography or creative writing to fit the size.

* Entries must be submitted by August 9 at the Church office.

* Contact us (below) for entry form.